Help Acosta Fight for His Property

Andy Acosta needs political help and financial help. If you can write a letter or send money. Anything is appreciated. The County of San Bernardino has deep money pockets filled with taxpayers' dollars and Andy is just a man who has devoted his life to his small business, his employees, their families and the community. 

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Andy Acosta started the A.J. Acosta Company over 30 years ago. Over the years, Andy and his employees have had immeasurable positive impact in the local mountain communities he serves as well as within the surrounding county and state.

Unfortunately, there are committed individuals in the County of San Bernardino bureaucracy who have invested significant time and taxpayer money aimed at destroying the A.J. Acosta Company. Everything Andy Acosta has built for over 30 years is at risk of being permanently closed and destroyed.

This is NOT the American Way!!!

Your support of Andy and his company is critical. Please send your letters and emails of support to the following names: Be sure to include your name and email address on all letters.

Thank you so much for your support.

Andy Acosta


Andy's Attorney: Bob Ziprick
Ziprick & Cramer LLP
Attorney at Law
707 Brookside Ave.
Redlands, CA 92373

Office: 909-798-5005
Fax: 909-793-8944

If you would like to directly help Andy with legal fees, please make a donation.
Note: Donations are NOT tax deductible.

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